


InstallingPintosTools » History » Version 3

Version 2 (Borja Sotomayor, 12/09/2010 06:19 PM) → Version 3/6 (Borja Sotomayor, 12/09/2010 06:38 PM)

h1. Installing Pintos on your Computer

All the tools necessary to run Pintos are already installed in the Maclab, but you can also install them on your own machine. Although the Pintos documentation includes a section on "Installing Pintos":, we have prepared a script that will automate most of the steps. The original documentation on installing Pintos is still worth reading in case you're missing some required libraries.

First of all, [[GettingPintosCode|get the Pintos code]]. We will refer to the directory where you've checked out the code as @$PINTOS_DIR@ (this directory should be the one that contains the @src@ directory).

Next, download the "Bochs 2.2.6 tarball": from PhoenixForge. We are using this specific version because we can patch it to obtain some additional functionality that will come in handy when developing your project. You can use newer versions of Bochs, but you may run into some trouble when running Pintos. Download this tarball into any directory (we will refer to it as @$BOCHS_LOCATION@).

Finally, choose a directory to install the Pintos tools in (e.g., /opt/pintos). We will refer to it as at @$TOOLS_DIR@

Now, just run the following:

$PINTOS_DIR/src/misc/build-pintos-tools $PINTOS_DIR/src/misc/ $PINTOS_DIR $TOOLS_DIR $BOCHS_LOCATION

You will see a flurry of compilation messages, including many warnings about deprecated features. This is normal. If the build process concludes without any error messages at the end, the script was successful.

The Pintos tools are now installed in $TOOLS_DIR/bin (add this to your $PATH, unless you want to type the full path every time). Note that the Bochs binaries are installed as @bochs-pintos@ and @bochs-pintos-dbg@, which will not conflict with other Bochs binaries installed on your system. The @pintos@ tool, however, will use the Pintos-patched @bochs-pintos@ by default.

At this point, you should be able to follow the instructions in the Pintos documentation (including use of the @pintos@ command).